Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Exposition: The main characters are arthur and and ford and some people are trying to knock arthurs house down and arthur is tyring to stop it but ford is telling him theres no use because the world is going to end so he shouldnt car
Rising Action: I think this happens when the world is demolished and the vogons tell the people that they are demolishing it
Climax: I think the climax so far is when arthur and ford wake up on the ship with the vogons
Falling action and resolution i have not gotten to because im not done with my book however i believe that this book is really good and i cant wait to read on!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Page 45-63

Ford and Arthur has now been "rescued" or maybe in captured and they have woken up in a cabin. However the vogons did not pick them up they hate hitchhikers but it was the aliens called dentrassis that cook for them because they like to see the vogons get adgitated and there would be nothing more annoying then to have a "hitchhiker" on their space ship. Ford has told arthur alot about them for instance dont let a vogon read poatry to you and has showed him the book that tells them alot about the vogons and everything about whats going on. The earth has been demolished. A voice comes over the PA system but arthur cant understand it b/c its in a differentt language so Ford tells him to put a fish in his ear and when he did he understnd what he was saying. It was the captain and he said that he knew that there were hitchhikers on the ship and he sent out a search party for them. And if they are lucky they might hear him read poetry..... The book is getting more interesting i cant wait to finish it, it seems like theres going to be alot of twists and turns.


I didnt think there were any conflicts in my book however their actually is. In the begining of the there was a conflict with arthur dent, i thought it was man vs man because he didnt want his house torn down but Mr. L posser did not but he also had people working for him that wanted to tear it down so it also could have been man vs. society. Theres another conflict which is probably man. vs. society because the world is being destroyed. Another one could be the conlifct between Arthur and Ford because Arthur doesnt really know who ford is know and that is man vs. man.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Star wars

  • I can see how start wars is realted to the text we have been reading and the movie we have been watching. Mostly because theres a heroe and then theres a bad guy. For instance in the falcon movie the good guy was sam spade always trying to help somebody and the bad guys were the girl that killed his partner and the two guys that were after the falcon. In start wars the good guy is luke and hon solo and the bad guy in dark vader. However i dont really understand the movie yet and i dont know what they are after so maybe theres also a mcguffin but im not quite sure.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Page 35-45

From where i left off alot has happened so far. Apparently when ford said the world was going to end he knew what he was talking about. Arthur left ford and the bar and went chasing after the people that were tearing down his house and ford ran after him screaming its not going to matter anyways because he knew the world was really going to end, the people that were tearing arthurs house down ran however they didnt run because of that they ran because there were flying yellow things in the sky. Arthur fell and finally noticed them. They were ships then you heard someone on the PA system and he said that it was Protestic Vogon Jelts of Galactic Hyperspace and he was here to destroy earth because we were in the way of them building an express route. And he also said we have been knowing about it for about 50 earth yrs. The president was Zophod Beeblebrox he was giving a speech and looked into the crowd at a humanoid named Trillian and he smiled at her and im assuming thats his g/f. Before he left he gave out a big whoop and threw the bomb he was carrying in his pocket down to the ground and ran forward.

Monday, April 2, 2007


I haven't got to far in my book so i dont grasp the whole story. However i can see where faith steps into it. Alot of people believe in a higher being (god) and they dont believe that theres anything else out there, for instance like aliens. I can understand why some people who are very religious might get offended by some science fiction books because it seems like people are doubting many religions or even god by making more things out in the world higher then him by "aliens" "taking over" the world when god should have control over everything. As for myself i believe in god but im not a very religious person so i never really thought about the religious factor but when i actually thought about it i can see how a person would be against sci fi or wouldnt like to read it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


The article "the star" to me was kind of confusing. I didnt really put everything together or understand it until the end. Through out the article i didnt grasp the fact that he was a preist and also an austronomer. I kind of figured that he was religiouse towards the end when he was asking how could god do this to a planet and destroy everybody and nobody survived. But then he also said god doesnt have to explain himself to man. It was also another clue when he kept on saying father. Basicalle what i comprehended from the story was that there was a planet and it exploded because the sun bursted, and out of all the suns how come god choosed this one. There were no survivors however there were some visual records and a machine to use to see them.