Monday, April 2, 2007


I haven't got to far in my book so i dont grasp the whole story. However i can see where faith steps into it. Alot of people believe in a higher being (god) and they dont believe that theres anything else out there, for instance like aliens. I can understand why some people who are very religious might get offended by some science fiction books because it seems like people are doubting many religions or even god by making more things out in the world higher then him by "aliens" "taking over" the world when god should have control over everything. As for myself i believe in god but im not a very religious person so i never really thought about the religious factor but when i actually thought about it i can see how a person would be against sci fi or wouldnt like to read it.


"oh surger honey ice tea" said...

i dont want to sound mean, however this didnt go into to much of faith and your novle. however you chould have takein you blog to the next levle, why do you beleave in god? do you have alot of faith in him?

ashley fomby said...

Do you have faith in a higher god? Is there anything you don't believe in?

Angel said...

Of course i have faith in god im not saying that i take offence to this book i can just see how other people would get offended you have to look all everybody's point of view.