Friday, April 6, 2007

Star wars

  • I can see how start wars is realted to the text we have been reading and the movie we have been watching. Mostly because theres a heroe and then theres a bad guy. For instance in the falcon movie the good guy was sam spade always trying to help somebody and the bad guys were the girl that killed his partner and the two guys that were after the falcon. In start wars the good guy is luke and hon solo and the bad guy in dark vader. However i dont really understand the movie yet and i dont know what they are after so maybe theres also a mcguffin but im not quite sure.


cordasco said...

It would be interesting to think that Luke is the Mcguffin. Because It is Darth Vaders obsession, and it is Yodas student, and Han's side kick. Everyone seems to want Luke...would that qualify him to be the mcguffin? I think you made a good connection with good and evil and how it related to The Maltece Falcon. I think your right that darth vader is like the big fat man in the Maltece Falcon. But i think Luke is more of the falcon, and Han because of his cut throught attitude is more like Sam Spade. Han and Sam also share the same forewardness when it comes to the ladys...
dont you think?

Becca's Journal said...

I agree, I also thought Luke was the MacGuffin. I figured that Vader was obsessed with finding and capturing Luke like the Maltese Falcon. You made a good point in saying that Luke and Han Solo seem to be the good guys throughout the movie and that Vader is the evil one, deffinetly compares to those characteristics of Sam Spade and the maltese falcon.

Angel said...

At first i also believed that Luke was the mcguffin but not everybody wants him. Yes, vader wants him and i believe this makes him look like the mcguffin because he's one of the main characters and the ultimate bad guy!