Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Page 45-63

Ford and Arthur has now been "rescued" or maybe in captured and they have woken up in a cabin. However the vogons did not pick them up they hate hitchhikers but it was the aliens called dentrassis that cook for them because they like to see the vogons get adgitated and there would be nothing more annoying then to have a "hitchhiker" on their space ship. Ford has told arthur alot about them for instance dont let a vogon read poatry to you and has showed him the book that tells them alot about the vogons and everything about whats going on. The earth has been demolished. A voice comes over the PA system but arthur cant understand it b/c its in a differentt language so Ford tells him to put a fish in his ear and when he did he understnd what he was saying. It was the captain and he said that he knew that there were hitchhikers on the ship and he sent out a search party for them. And if they are lucky they might hear him read poetry..... The book is getting more interesting i cant wait to finish it, it seems like theres going to be alot of twists and turns.

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