Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Page 35-45

From where i left off alot has happened so far. Apparently when ford said the world was going to end he knew what he was talking about. Arthur left ford and the bar and went chasing after the people that were tearing down his house and ford ran after him screaming its not going to matter anyways because he knew the world was really going to end, the people that were tearing arthurs house down ran however they didnt run because of that they ran because there were flying yellow things in the sky. Arthur fell and finally noticed them. They were ships then you heard someone on the PA system and he said that it was Protestic Vogon Jelts of Galactic Hyperspace and he was here to destroy earth because we were in the way of them building an express route. And he also said we have been knowing about it for about 50 earth yrs. The president was Zophod Beeblebrox he was giving a speech and looked into the crowd at a humanoid named Trillian and he smiled at her and im assuming thats his g/f. Before he left he gave out a big whoop and threw the bomb he was carrying in his pocket down to the ground and ran forward.


mISTERnAIL said...

ok--that's a good summary so far. what do you think? is it becoming easier to understand? are you enjoying it, or better still, is it funny to you? it is supposed to be comic sci-fi. i was just wondering.

Angel said...

Yeah actually its alot easier to understand im going to put another blog up today or tomorrow i read some more. Its funny but im so use to watching things and its hard for me to read something and then laugh outloud i feel stupid :) but its a good book so far hopefully it gets a little bit better im not use to the scit fi book niether.

radhika dasa said...

wow angel reading? just kidding ima try it.
no your book sounds really interesting. it sure does seem action packed. my book is kinda slow so far.
i know what you mean by you feel dumb laughing out laod while reading.